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XSLT-ABAP using Call Transformation


Hello Friends,


I am new to this XSLT-ABAP transformation. I went through the blogs and forums and got a fair bit of idea on this. Now, i am trying to create a simple program/ xslt transformation to test the scenario. Once this is successfull i need to implement this in our project.


I am not sure, where and what i am doing wrong. Kindly check the below given XSLT/ XML/ ABAP Program and correct me.


My XML File looks as given below:

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> 
- <List>


My XSLT Transformation looks as given below:

<xsl:transform xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" xmlns:sap="http://www.sap.com/sapxsl" version="1.0">  <xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>  <xsl:template match="*">    <List>      <xsl:for-each select="ITEM">        <xsl:element name="ITEM">          <xsl:element name="ITEMQUALF">            <xsl:value-of select="ITEMQUALF"/>          </xsl:element>          <xsl:element name="MATERIAL">            <xsl:value-of select="MATERIAL"/>          </xsl:element>        </xsl:element>      </xsl:for-each>    </List>  </xsl:template></xsl:transform>


My ABAP program looks as below:

REPORT  ztest_ram.

  BEGIN OF ty_test,    itemqualf TYPE char10,    material  TYPE char10,  END OF ty_test,  ty_t_test TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_test.

  l_xml       TYPE REF TO cl_xml_document,  t_test      TYPE ty_t_test,  wa_person   TYPE LINE OF ty_t_test,  t_xml_out   TYPE string,  v_retcode   TYPE sy-subrc,  v_totalsize TYPE i.

DATA: gs_rif_ex     TYPE REF TO cx_root,      gs_var_text   TYPE string.

* Create object
* Call method to import data from file
CALL METHOD l_xml->import_from_file  EXPORTING    filename = 'C:\xml\xml_test.xml'  RECEIVING    retcode  = v_retcode.
* Call method to Render into string
CALL METHOD l_xml->render_2_string  IMPORTING    retcode = v_retcode    stream  = t_xml_out    size    = v_totalsize.
* Call Transformation
TRY.    CALL TRANSFORMATION (`ZXSLT_RAM`)            SOURCE XML t_xml_out            RESULT     outtab = t_test.  CATCH cx_root INTO gs_rif_ex.    gs_var_text = gs_rif_ex->get_text( ).    MESSAGE gs_var_text TYPE 'E'.


When i run this ABAP program to fetch the data from XML in to Internal table, i get the error message:

Incorrect element List for XML-ABAP transformation


I am really not sure how to proceed further. Could any one help me on this?


Note: Please do not paste the same links, as i have gone through most of them.


Thank you.

Best Regards,


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