helo all,
i hav a requirement that i want to take printout of multiple smartforms.
have a look at the screenshot of alv report with checkboxes.
there is a alv report where user can take print out by checking chkboxes...
for each chkbox clicked one smartform is called in USER_COMMAND form.
however i am using code something like this:
loop at i_final where check eq 'X'.
*"when sy-tabix is 1 >> smartform called and when
*user press back button on print preview screen
*>> again flow starts from here and 2nd smartform is displayed
*(if user has checked more than 1 chkbox)
Perform Smartform_call. "for each chkbox smartform is called
suppose user a clicked three chkbox..then three smartforms will be called
and each one gets displayed by pressing back button >> one by one.
What i want:
While wondering in Pf status of standard print preview screen i found these:
Back and forward buttons
(actually these buttons are hidden >> i have changed something debugging to show up these )
i want when user clicks on more than 1 chkbox then these black next & previous buttons
comes into play and user can switch between generated smartforms using
these buttons instead of pressing back button again and again.
In Short i want to print multiple smartforms and
want to know how to navigate between them using these buttons.