I had a requirement to create custom tab for Tcode IE01 . Inside the Custom Tab, I had a Table Control with 4 columns. During save , i need to update ZTABLE from the values entered in table control of custom tab.
All the logic to add custom tab and then Table control inside the custom tab is done.
Enhancements used for
Custom tab is ITOB0001
But my problem is, After entering data in Custom tab(inside table control) during IE01/IE02, I am capturing data into internal table, but not saving in ZTABLE immediately, because, unless user press save, i don't want to save in ZTABLE.
So I found Userexit for SAVE.
During save IEQM0003(EXIT_SAPMIEQ0_001 )is the UserExit that gets triggered, but my internal table values of Custom Tab(User exit) are not available here. I even tried to get them using Assign Statement; but it is not successful. I don't want to use Memory Statements .
Any Suggestions ...
Thanks in Advance..