Hi experts,
LOOP AT tmdrm INTO wmdrm WHERE /bic/zsplit = source_fields_rule-gl_account. pf = wmdrm-/bic/zpcfrom. pt = wmdrm-/bic/zfromto. IF source_fields_rule-profit_ctr >= pf AND source_fields_rule-profit_ctr <= pt. wa_y_rmaccnt = wmdrm-/bic/y_rmaccnt. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. RESULT = wa_y_csaccnt. ENDIF. ENDIF.
I have an issue with my code, it's not working as i expected because follwing my debugging tests at this level:
IF source_fields_rule-profit_ctr >= pf
I am comparing source_fields_rule-profit_ctr which is type char with pf which is type i.
I tried to convert them into the same format with some FM but the result is always wrong.
Any ideas how can i bypass this issue?
Thanks for your support.