We have an issue with a program made by a consultant that left the company. The program is protected to view or modify Its source code.
I have seen many post and search thru google and found that they refer to a program ZHIDE that it's only compatible with 4.6 and lower. Tried It on
ECC 6 and didnt work. So We haven't found a clear procedure in order to un-protect this program.
In debug we have found that in program SAPLLOCAL_EDT1 FORM READREP the subroutine tries to load the soruce of the program
reading It directly from file:
with the following stament:
open dataset name for input in text mode encoding default
When the program pass this stament sy-subrc = 8 meaning that It's not possible to acces the file. I guess the program is protected
at file permissions level.
So my question is:
Can someone provide a procedure to be able to un-protect this program ?