Delivery quantity should be updated in the sales order item quantity, I have written the below shown code to achieve the functionality but it is not working, please check and let me know what else needs to be passed to the BAPI.
Include MV50AFZ1 exit : FORM userexit_save_document
data: w_vbelv type vbfa-vbelv, w_quan type lfimg, w_vbeln type BAPIVBELN-VBELN, wa_INX type BAPISDH1X, wa_item type BAPISDITM, wa_schdl type bapischdl, wa_schdlx type bapischdlx, wa_order type U_16028, " Modified wa_itemx type BAPISDITMX, itab_inx type table of BAPISDITMX, itab_schdl type table of bapischdl, itab_schdlx type table of bapischdlx, itab_item type table of BAPISDITM, itab_order TYPE TABLE OF U_16028, itab_return type table of BAPIRET2. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_lips> type LIPSVB, "Data type of XLIPS <fs_order> type U_16028. clear w_VBELV. case sy-tcode. when 'VL02N'. select VBELV up to 1 rows from vbfa into w_VBELV where vbeln = likp-VBELN and vbtyp_n = 'J' and vbtyp_v = 'C'. ENDSELECT. when 'VL01N'. get PARAMETER ID 'AUF' FIELD w_VBELV. endcase. if w_VBELV is not initial. select * from U_16028 into table itab_order where vbeln = w_vbelv. if sy-subrc = 0. loop at itab_order assigning <fs_order>. READ TABLE xlips assigning <fs_lips> with key vgbel = <fs_order>-VBELN posnr = <fs_order>-posnr. if sy-subrc = 0. wa_item-ITM_NUMBER = <fs_lips>-posnr. wa_item-MATERIAL = <fs_lips>-matnr. wa_item-TARGET_QTY = <fs_lips>-LFIMG. " Modified wa_itemx-updateflag = 'U'. wa_itemx-itm_number = <fs_lips>-posnr. wa_itemx-TARGET_QTY = 'X'. " Modified wa_itemx-MATERIAL = 'X'. wa_schdl-itm_number = <fs_lips>-posnr. wa_schdl-sched_line = <fs_order>-etenr. wa_schdl-req_qty = <fs_lips>-LFIMG." wa_schdlx-updateflag = 'U'. wa_schdlx-itm_number = <fs_lips>-posnr. wa_schdlx-sched_line = <fs_order>-etenr. wa_schdlx-req_qty = 'X'. APPEND: wa_item to itab_item, wa_itemx to itab_inx, wa_schdl to itab_schdl, wa_schdlx to itab_schdlx. clear: wa_item, wa_itemx, wa_schdl, wa_schdlx. endif. endloop. if itab_item is not initial. w_vbeln = w_VBELV. wa_INX-UPDATEFLAG = 'U'. CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE' EXPORTING SALESDOCUMENT = w_vbeln ORDER_HEADER_INX = wa_INX TABLES RETURN = itab_return ORDER_ITEM_IN = itab_item ORDER_ITEM_INX = itab_inx SCHEDULE_LINES = itab_schdl SCHEDULE_LINESX = itab_schdlx. CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT' EXPORTING wait = 'X'. endif. endif. endif.