Can any body please let me know the below statments meanings. As I am new to ABAP so I am unable to understand the syntax.
acgl_item-shkzg = *acgl_item-shkzg.
acgl_item-hkont = *acgl_item-hkont.
acgl_item-konto_txt = *acgl_item-konto_txt.
In the above statements what is the use of '*' while assigning the values.
DATA: io_edidd type ref to DATA.
o_edidd = io_edidd.
FIELD-SYMBOLS: <lt_edidd> TYPE tab_edidd.
ASSIGN o_edidd->*TO<lt_edidd>.
In the anove statement, what is the use of '*' . Kindly guide me to understand the syntax. Thanks in advance. Shreya