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TIME_OUT runtime error




Could some one help me in resolving the below run time error.

we are getting time out error with the below details:


Short text
    Time limit exceeded.


What happened?
    The program "ZXXXXXX" has exceeded the maximum permitted
     runtime without
    interruption and has therefore been terminated.


Error analysis
    After a specific time, the program is terminated to make the work area
    available to other users who may be waiting.
    This is to prevent a work area being blocked unnecessarily long by, for
    - Endless loops (DO, WHILE, ...),
    - Database accesses with a large result set
    - Database accesses without a suitable index (full table scan)

    The maximum runtime of a program is limited by the system profile
    parameter "rdisp/max_wprun_time". The current setting is 1800 seconds. If this
     time limit is
    exceeded, the system attempts to cancel any running SQL statement or
    signals the ABAP processor to stop the running program. Then the system
    waits another 60 seconds maximum. If the program is then still active,
    the work process is restarted.


the above mentioned parameter is set to 1800 and still getting runtime whenever Zprogram called, and that has been used several DB tables to fulfill business process.

is there other way to minimise the runtime errors.


kindly help me.


much appreciated the help.


Thanks in advance!


Best Regards,


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