We are replicating HR data from ECC 6.0 to ECC 5.0 system currently, using IDOC extension and are passing the IDOC through PI. This is working fine. The interface is triggered by change pointers.
We added custom fields to P0006 structure (address) and want to pass those fields as well.
Sender system: I created a Z1P0006 segment, same structure as P0006, and added it to the IDOC extension as a child of E1P0006. The Z1P0006 segment is populated using exit EXIT_SAPLRHA0_001. The IDOC is created correctly and contains the Z1P0006 segment under the E1P0006 segment.
Receiving System: I updated table T777D entry for structure P0006 with field '2nd IDOC segment' = 'Z1P0006'. I copied function module 'convert_E1p0006_to_P0006' to a z-module, and changed it to use the Z1p0006 structure instead. The z-module is called by EXIT_SAPLRHAL_004.
The issue is that the inbound process does not recognize Z1P0006 as a valid segment, even though it is in T777D.
I searched the forum, and found some information, but it was mostly about instructions found in note 105148 for using a different method of populating the outbound IDOC.
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.