Hi Guys,
I am implementing Enhancement MEREQ001 and facing problem in declaring the variables and accessing them in the other includes.
Function Pool: SAPLXM02
******************************************************************* * System-defined Include-files. * ******************************************************************* INCLUDE LXM02TOP. " Global Data INCLUDE LXM02UXX. " Function Modules ******************************************************************* INCLUDE LXM02F00. " SAP-Formpool for Customer-Use INCLUDE ZXM02ZZZ. " Subprograms and Modules
Include: ZXM02TOP .
*----------------------------------------------------------------------* ***INCLUDE ZXM02TOP . *----------------------------------------------------------------------* DATA: g_pramt LIKE eban-preis. DATA: g_poamt LIKE eban-preis.
Include: ZXM02O01
*----------------------------------------------------------------------* ***INCLUDE ZXM02O01 . *----------------------------------------------------------------------* *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Module STATUS_0111 OUTPUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* MODULE status_0111 OUTPUT. IF g_poamt GT 2000. Endif. ENDMODULE. " STATUS_0111 OUTPUT
When I syntex check (Ctrl+F2) the program, it gives me the following error (RED) message.
The field u201CG_POAMTu201D is unknown, but there is field with similar name G_PRAMT.
When I forward navigate by double clicking g_poamt, it takes me to ZXM02TOP.
But when I try to activate it, the include is activated without giving any error message or warning.
I donu2019t know why system is not seeing G_POAMT. But it is seeing G_PRAMT.
What should I do to rectify this problem.
Thanks in advance.