I have a dialog program that is trying to update a delivery note using BAPI_OUTB_DELIVERY_CHANGE. The first time I call the BAPI it works fine. However, the 2nd time I call it and try to PGI, it fails with the error below. I have debugged the BAPI and found that it is failing on this FM, HU_CONSISTENZ_CHECK. There is an internal table called JSTO_BUF that is initial and that is what causes the error. Once I get the error, I click execute again and it works. I'm pretty sure it is a buffer problem. Does anyone know how to initialize some sort of buffer for HU Statuses?
No status object is available for HU 3056
Message no. BS001
When trying to read the status of an object (HU 3056), a system error occurred: For object number HU0000003056 there is no status object.
Please contact your system administrator.
I'm doing a direct update on a Z table before I call the BAPI to udpate the delivery. If I comment out the update statement, it works. Not sure why this update statement would cause an inconsistent HU error.
Edited by: Tony Raimo on Jun 4, 2009 7:22 AM