Hi All,
I need to change my GL account number in PO under account assingment tab. I have implemented the badi and under the method process_item i have written my code.
But his works only Change ( ME22n). This menthod does not gets trigered when PO is entered and on SAVE.
This is the code i have written in process_item of ZME_PROCESS_PO_CUST
DATA : ls_mepoaccounting TYPE mepoaccounting,
ls_po_accountings TYPE purchase_order_accounting,
lf_acnt TYPE REF TO if_purchase_order_account_mm,
lt_po_accountings TYPE purchase_order_accountings.
lt_po_accountings = im_item->get_accountings( ).
LOOP AT lt_po_accountings INTO ls_po_accountings.
lf_acnt ?= ls_po_accountings-accounting.
ls_mepoaccounting = lf_acnt->get_data( ).
ls_mepoaccounting-sakto = '51800'
CALL METHOD lf_acnt->set_data
im_data = ls_mepoaccounting.