types: begin of ty_desc,
saknr type saknr,
txt50 type char50,
end of ty_desc.
TYPES: BEGIN OF itycj_postings.
include type ty_desc.
TYPES: END OF itycj_postings.
data: titcj_split_postings TYPE itycj_postings OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
SELECT SINGLE * FROM tcj_c_journals
INTO ls_journals
WHERE comp_code = sd_bukrs
AND cajo_number = sd_canum. "Hw 0502865
If Sy-subrc ne '0'. "Hw 494272
MESSAGE I011(F5A) WITH Sd_canum sd_bukrs. "Hw 502865
exit. "Hw 494272
Endif. "Hw 494272
select single * from tcj_transactions
into ls_transaction
where comp_code = ls_journals-comp_code.
SELECT single *
FROM skat
INTO ls_skat
WHERE spras EQ sy-langu
and saknr = ls_transaction-gl_account.
LOOP AT titcj_split_postings.
if ls_skat-saknr EQ ls_transaction-gl_account.
titcj_split_postings-txt50 = ls_skat-txt50.
append titcj_split_postings.
In output, the value of txt50 is all same. Please reply what to do?