Hello Experts,
I have a program of which I need to improve the performance. This program has some selects written inside a loop. These select statements are actually join queries on tables like VBFA,OBJK, VBPA and KNA1.
The strange thing I have observed is that the same query in production takes 50 min and in a sandbox server takes 2 min.
The sanbox server is a replica of production server in our project and has just 10% lesser records compared to production. I have checked in both the systems for each of the tables mentioned above and found that approximately there is a difference of only 10% of data records in between PRD and SBX.
Now if anyone of you can please help me for the root cause of this issue as to why the same select queries in PRD server takes much longer time but in SBX takes much lesser time eventhough the number of records are quite same in number.