From this blog you'll get to know about the following topics.
- ABAP Programming Introduction
- Basic features of ABAP
- the ABAP workbench and tools.
- How to create a domain, a data element, and a table.
- How to
1. Write routines
- Start, field and end routines in transformation.
- ABAP routine in Infopackage.
- ABAP routine in DTP & Conversion routines.
2. ABAP Debugging
- Debugging Routines / Simulation on DTP.
- Debugging FM.
- Debugging Reports.
3. Improve Performance
ABAP Programming - Introduction:
ABAP stands for Advanced Business Application Programming.
All Modules in SAP - R/3 such as SD, MM, FI and PP are written in ABAP.
When you perform a transaction in R/3, an ABAP program runs in the background. This program extracts relavant information from SAP databases based on the parameters specified for the transaction and displays the output. Each screen you view in R/3 is created using an ABAP program.
There are two types of ABAP Programs,
- Report programming
- Dialog programming
The two types of report programming are,
- Traditional report programming
- Interactive report programming
Traditional report programming
A traditional report programming is an Input/Output screen programming. This program is activated and executed when you enter specific input parameters in the input fields and run the report. Based on the input parameters, SAP displays the output in list format on the screen.After this, the program concludes and you can't interact on the output screen. It is a kind on one way communication between the user and the program.
A traditional report program consists of only two screens.
1. Input parameter screen is called Selection / Input screen.
2. Output Screen.
The Output screen doesn't have any input fields.
Interactive report programming
An Interactive report programming offers more flexibility than the traditional report program. Instead of two screens, an interactive program consists of multiple screens and you can drill down through several screens to veiw the desired information. Unlike the traditional report program, you can interact with the output screens, but you cannot manipulate the information displayed on the outout screen.
An typical Interactive report program enables you to
- sort the information displayed on the ouput screen
- print selective information
- controls the number of fields displayed on the output screen.
Dialog programming
A dialog programming consists of multiple screens and enables you to manipulate the information displayed on the output screen. Using this program, the Output screen can contain input fields, push buttons, and multiple scrollable areas.
An Interpreter interprets the ABAP programs, report and dialog. An Interpreter is a program that executes other programs. It will read each line of code written to build an ABAP program. If an error, such as a syntax error, is encountered, the interpreter reports the line number at which the error was encountered and stops reading the rest of the code in the program.
Components of an ABAP Program
The major components of an ABAP program are,
- Source Code - Code you write in ABAP program is considered as a source code
- Attributes - It is a propert that you define for a program. The properties are title, language, status(active/inactive), creation & last modified date of the program
- Text elements - It is a short description of the report headers
- Documentation - It helps the developer to understand the flow of the program
- Variants - It is used to save the set of input values that are used very frequently.