we are making idocs. these idocs are ported to an file port and our provider processes tjhem and send them to our customers.
This is going ok if there are no special characters in the IDOC
However if there are special chararters ( like ö )in the IDOC we check the unicode flag in we20/21 before sending.the idoc
Now the provider reports us that idoc file is not correct cause the special characters uses more bytes which is shifting the chars behind that special characters and they get errors.
The provider gave us also the solution: we should add EF BB BF as first 3 chars to the IDOC-files
We have an UNICODE system.
My questions: why is not autmatically added these chars (EBBBBF) when unicode is checked.
Is there a possiblitie to take care these characters are added. bij customizing or user exits badies or whatever.
Thanx in advance