hy to all,
i'm struggling with the integration of GOS in a custom program. I've created a Z-Object (e.g. 'ZMyObject'), customized my custom document type (ZDocType) in OAC2 and my link between Z-Object and custom document type in OAC3. My source code for integrating the GOS looks like this:
DATA: manager type ref to cl_gos_manager,
obj type borident.
obj-objtype = 'ZMyObject'.
obj-objkey = objectID.
CLEAR manager.
is_object = obj
ip_no_commit = 'R'
My program shows an alv-grid with multiple items (object), each of these line items has an unique id. After selecting one line item (object) the user can switch to a screen to show the details of this object. At this screen i've integrated my GOS with the current object-id.
My Problem: this all works fine for "normal" attachments, but for business documents i allways see all available business documents in my attachment list. So it seems that the object id is not taken into account by the GOS when selecting business objects. In my link table (TOA01) the entry at least seems to be correct for me, there all values are filled (SAP_OBJECT = my Z-Object type, object id is correct, AR_OBJECT is my document type so for example 'ZDocType').
Has anyone an idea whats the reason for showing all business documents ?