I need help with the following:
1) i've already place this code to get a value in FORM FRM_KOND_BASIS_900:
DATA: lv_ztag1 TYPE t052-ztag1,
lv_tasa_iind TYPE ZTASA_IIND,
lv_resultado TYPE DECFLOAT34.
IF komk-zterm(1) = 'S' AND xkomv-kschl = 'ZIND' AND SY-UCOMM = 'SICH'.
* Recupera la Tasa de interés vigente
SELECT SINGLE tasa_iind INTO lv_tasa_iind FROM ZSD_TASA_INT_IMP WHERE desde LE komk-PRSDT AND hasta GE komk-PRSDT.
* Recupera la cantidad de dias según condiciones de pago de factura y calcula interés no devengado
SELECT single ztag1 INTO lv_ztag1 FROM t052 WHERE zterm = komk-zterm.
IF lv_ztag1 GE 90.
LV_RESULTADO = ( ykwert / ( ( 1 + ( lv_tasa_iind / 10000 ) ) ** ( lv_ztag1 / 360 ) ) ).
xkwert = LV_RESULTADO.
2) what we need is that the passed value [xkwert = LV_RESULTADO.] doesn't affect any prior calculation. This is the last condition in VA01,02, 03 tcode, so it suposses no to affect the other calculations.
3) when i pass value xkwert = LV_RESULTADO. the value gets in field xkomv-kawrt instead xkomv-kbetr.
4) in tcode VA02 or VA03 we are no getting the stored value in KONV table for ZIND price condition.
Any help please.
David Fúnez
Latacunga, Ecuador