Hi there,
I have a strange problem:
I have an own ABAP that shows an ALV, and has a hotspots on MATNR. When the user clicks the materialnumber, he is directly directed to the MD04 screen, and when he clicks <ENTER> the detail MD04 screen is shown.
So far so good.
But now I did change this abap, and now it calls - in background - the function MD_SALES_ORDER_STATUS_REPORT, which returns me the ORDER_TREE in the abap.
All very fine!
But when now the hotspot is clicked, the first screen of MD04 is shown, but when the users clicks now <ENTER> he receives the dump 'NODE_NOT_FOUND'.
So I think that in MD_SALES_ORDER_STATUS_REPORT also an alv is build with nodes, but it is not cleaned up.
So how can I cleanup this nodes please?
Many thanks in advance,