Hi Experts,
I have got a requirement where i have to display some fixed coloumns and some variable dynamic columns which depend on date range .
Suppose the start date is 01-09-2013 and finish date is 20-09-2013, then the ALV should display 20 more fields other than the existing 10 fields. These 20 fields may vary as per the date range.
I have never worked on this DYnamci ALV and when i googled about for reference i got more confused.
I tried preparing the fieldcat and i have to use resuse_alv_grid_display for ALV display.
For the fixed columns do we need to use the fieldcatlog of slis_t_fieldcat_alv and for dynamic one lvc_t_fcat and does the dynamic one will have all the fields other than dynamic fields ?
Kindly guide how can i achieve this .
Thanks and Regards,