Hi All,
Recently I have created an Implicit enhancement in standard function module (TRINT_CORR_INSERT) with an IF condition activated only for my user-id(IF sy-uname = '********').
In my implicit enhancement I am calling a function module (POPUP_WITH_2_BUTTONS_TO_CHOOSE) to populate a pop-up window with two options to choose ‘Continue’ and ‘Cancel’. This FM returns ‘0’ as return value if one selects ‘Continue’ option, it returns ‘1’ if one selects ‘Cancel’ option. As this FM was returning 0/1 which are integers, I have declared my local variable with type integer to hold these return values from FM. So far everything worked fine, during my negative testing I have selected close window option when this pop-up window has prompted asking for one of the two options to choose, for this option(close window) FM has given return value as ‘A’ which is of type character and I am expecting integer value to be returned, because of this type conflict system has raised a run-time error. Later when I was trying to check/correct this type mismatch in new session, system has given me same error for whichever session I have opened(whenever I open a new session or transactions like SE38, SE37, SE80 it gave me dump screen).
Unfortunately this has got applicable to whole SAP users in sandbox system, whoever opens any transaction they are welcomed with my dump screen and the whole sandbox system is inoperable state, the only option available for our BASIS/DBA team is to re-store the whole system. Fortunate for me it'snot development system.
I am having below questions:
- This enhancement was activated only for my user-id, but how-come it’s impacting other users(short dumps).
- Secondly this type conflict error has to be raised only if someone selects ‘Close Window’ option in pop-up window. But in our case system is not prompting for any pop-up window, it is directly throwing run time error for whatever session we have opened.
- Lastly these type conflicts errors are very common in ABAP, after adjusting/correcting the variables data type everything has to work fine, these errors will never let SAP instance down.
What I would like to know is:
How-come a very common type conflict error can let down the whole SAP instance????? What is the root-cause for this issue???
Did someone experienced these sort of issues before, if so please share your experience.
Many Thanks!