I have a request to display not invoiced deliveries starting from only 4 mandatory selection option in input:
- Sales Organization
- Distribution Channel
- Division
- Goods issue date of delivery
- Sales order type
+ The customer as not mandatory select option.
The fastest way I found is with a huge inner join (I know it's not always recommended to do such select)
SELECT likp~vbeln likp~ernam likp~erzet likp~erdat likp~vstel likp~vkorg likp~lfart likp~lfdat likp~ablad likp~kunnr likp~anzpk likp~waerk likp~wadat_ist likp~xblnr likp~bolnr likp~lifex likp~vkorg vbuk~wbstk vbuk~fkstk lips~posnr lips~pstyv lips~matnr lips~werks lips~lgort lips~kdmat lips~lfimg lips~meins lips~vrkme lips~arktx lips~vbelv lips~netwr lips~vgbel lips~vgpos lips~vtweg lips~spart vbak~auart vbak~knumv kna1~name1 kna1~land1 kna1~ort01 kna1~stras FROM ( vbak INNER JOIN lips ON lips~vgbel = vbak~vbeln INNER JOIN likp ON likp~vbeln = lips~vbeln INNER JOIN vbuk ON vbuk~vbeln = likp~vbeln INNER JOIN kna1 ON kna1~kunnr = likp~kunnr ) WHERE likp~vkorg IN s_vkorg AND lips~vtweg IN s_vtweg AND lips~spart IN s_spart AND likp~kunnr IN s_kunnr AND likp~wadat_ist IN s_wadat AND vbak~auart IN s_auart AND vbuk~fkstk Eq 'A'.
For a huge database it's taking about 3 minutes.
I tried to divide the select into singular select from each table starting from likp (to have a list of vbeln) but this select from likp with only 2 non key selection option is not so performant and taking so much time.
where vkorg IN s_vkorg AND wadat_ist IN s_wadat
Could you kindly help?
Thank you in advance.