I have a Problem in a Programm.
Following Situation:
The User called Transaction XD02 and changed the Text of a Customer.
The changed Text will be correct tranferd to a connected CRM-System.
Now my Problem:
I designed a Z-Programm for the User, to manage many Information in one Z-Programm.
One of the implemented Function is, to change this Text of the Customer in an Editor in this Programm.
I read the Text with Function READ_TEXT
The changed Text will be saved with Function SAVE_TEXT
Then I call Function CUSTOMER_TEXTS_CP_CREATE for creating Changepointers for this Text.
Then I call COMMIT WORK.
This works fine in the ERP-System. When I look in the Customer (XD02), i see the new Text.
In the Database for the ChangePointers the Entries are exact the same.
But the new Text isn't replicated to the CRM-System.
Also doing "very bad thinks" (changing the customer twice by BatchInput with initalising SORT2 and setting back to the right value) doesn't change something. Now i get a BDoc, but the Text wasn't transported with this change.
My question is:
How can i trigger this Customertextchanging to a connected CRM-System
Thank for Help