I am implementing the bapi to create a purchase order from an RFQ , assign the po_item - quantity = v_quantity field , but when you create it assigns the request quantity .
this is a piece of code I am doing.
header-comp_code = v_bukrs.
headerx-comp_code = 'X'.
header-doc_type = v_asart.
headerx-doc_type = 'X'.
header-quotation = v_petof.
headerx-quotation = 'X'.
header-collect_no = v_submi.
headerx-collect_no = 'X'.
header-item_intvl = sy-tabix * 10.
headerx-item_intvl = 'X'.
header-collect_no = v_submi.
headerx-collect_no = 'X'.
header-currency = wa_cabecera-waers.
headerx-currency = 'X'.
header-incoterms1 = wa_cabecera-inco1.
headerx-incoterms1 = 'X'.
header-creat_date = wa_cabecera-erdat.
headerx-creat_date = 'X'.
header-created_by = wa_cabecera-ernam.
headerx-created_by = 'X'.
header-vendor = wa_cabecera-lifnr.
headerx-vendor = 'X'.
header-purch_org = v_ekorg.
headerx-purch_org = 'X'.
header-pur_group = v_ekgrp.
headerx-pur_group = 'X'.
header-doc_date = wa_cabecera-ebdat.
headerx-doc_date = 'X'.
APPEND header.
APPEND headerx.
item-po_item = v_ebelp.
itemx-po_item = v_ebelp.
item-material = wa_detalle-matnr.
itemx-material = 'X'.
item-plant = wa_detalle-werk.
itemx-plant = 'X'.
item-quantity = wa_detalle-bstmg.
itemx-quantity = 'X'.
item-price_unit = 1.
itemx-price_unit = 'X'.
item-net_price = wa_detalle-netpr.
itemx-net_price = 'X'.
item-rfq_no = v_petof.
itemx-rfq_no = 'X'.
item-rfq_item = wa_detalle-ebelp.
itemx-rfq_item = 'X'.
item-preq_no = eket_wa-banfn.
itemx-preq_no = 'X'.
item-preq_item = eket_wa-bnfpo.
itemx-preq_item = 'X'.
item-val_type = wbwtar.
itemx-val_type = 'X'.
item-tax_code = wmwskz.
itemx-tax_code = 'X'.
APPEND item.
APPEND itemx.
poheader = header
poheaderx = headerx
exppurchaseorder = exppurchaseorder
return = return
poitem = item
poitemx = itemx
poschedule = schedule
poschedulex = schedulex
poaccount = account
poaccountx = accountx
pocondheader = condheader
pocondheaderx = condheaderx
pocond = cond
pocondx = condx
polimits = limits
pocontractlimits = contractlimits
poservices = services
posrvaccessvalues = srvaccessvalues
poservicestext = servicestext
potextheader = textheader
potextitem = textitem
popartner = partner.
wait = 'X'.
can you help me please .