Hello all,
I have na issue about ALV field catalog which I could not find the answer.
I need an alv average subtotal considering only row cells which are not blank or zeroed.
In the Picture below the average is 6,25 because it is considering the blank/zero row cells.
I need an average calculation without considering the blank rows which should be 10,41.
I have used the fieldcatalog-DO_SUM = 'C' and also fieldcatalog-nozero = 'X' which I thought it could solve the issue (but it did not, the average still consider the blank cells for calculation)
I cannot just simply avoid these zeroed/blanked rows because there is other necessary data in the other row cells.
So, my question: is there any field catalog properties to calculate the average without considering the row blank/zeroed cells or, it is necessary
to code manually this average calculation in a summary row in the internal alv output table in order to achieve that ?
If there is anybody there who ever faced this issue and could help, please explain how.