I have a requirement to develop an RFC to call the ACAC_OBJECT_MODIFY_EXT function module for accrual upload. I have created the BAPI / ALE interface for it to be used in LSMW. However the program returns a DUMP when calling the function module because of the parameter passed. I need help with this. A program using this function module would do it for me.
Here is the interface for the FM
* is_assignments = " ace_assignments
* it_accounts = " aceds_accounts_t
* it_params = " aceds_param_t
* id_effdate = " ace_effdate
* is_post_params = " aceps_manual_posting_params
* id_testrun = 'X' " ace_testrun
ed_data_created = " flag
ed_data_changed = " flag
et_docitems = " aceps_ace_doc_extended_t
et_return = " bapiret2_t
et_accdoc_return = " ace_accdoc_return_t
cs_object = " acac_object_header_ext
ct_object_items = " aceds_items_t
Typical error:
An exception occurred that is explained in detail below.
The exception, which is assigned to class 'CX_SY_DYN_CALL_ILLEGAL_TYPE', was
not caught in
procedure "ZBAPIACCRUALUPLOAD" "(FUNCTION)", nor was it propagated by a RAISING
Since the caller of the procedure could not have anticipated that the
exception would occur, the current program is terminated.
The reason for the exception is:
The call to the function module "ACAC_OBJECT_MODIFY_EXT" is incorrect:
The function module interface allows you to specify only
fields of a particular type under "IT_ACCOUNTS".
The field "ACCOUNTS" specified here is a different
field type
Attached to the file is the source code of the rfc i am trying to create( ZBAPIACCRUALUPLOAD)