Dear All,
Good day.
Developing an smartform which will print levels based on counter number. For this reason i am doing the below code.
i = 6.
READ TABLE it_final INTO wa_final INDEX i.
IF sy-subrc = 0.
APPEND wa_final TO it_main.
i = i + 6.
LOOP AT it_main INTO wa_final.
DELETE it_final WHERE container_no = wa_final-container_no.
So, it_main will contain only 6,12 or 18th row number from it_final. So, if i have to print 6 levels per page, then for counter number 20 there should be 4 pages. But using this condition, counter number 13 and 20 also going to it_main.i, e 5 pages are showing now. Can you solve the problem?
Note: First 2 pages shows right result but from page 3 it starts problem. According to my logic now it_main is containing data 6,12,18,13,20 !!!