I cannot find the on/off table for infocube nav attributes. We have to include what is "On" in our documentation spreadsheets, and I'm tired of clicking through all this manually, updating the spreadsheet manually, etc. PLEASE SEE ATTACHED. One would think it would be found in "RSDICHAPRO", but there are no entries found for the cube I'm looking at.
Please do not recommend any of the following tables, I've already looked through them:
RSDCUBE | Directory of InfoCubes |
RSDCUBET | Texts on InfoCubes |
RSDCUBEIOBJ | Objects per InfoCube (where-used list) |
RSDDIME | Directory of Dimensions |
RSDDIMET | Texts on Dimensions |
RSDDIMEIOBJ | InfoObjects for each Dimension (Where-Used List) |
RSDCUBEMULTI | InfoCubes involved in a MultiCube |
RSDICMULTIIOBJ | MultiProvider: Selection/Identification of InfoObjects |
RSDICHAPRO | Characteristic Properties Specific to an InfoCube |
RSDIKYFPRO | Flag Properties Specific to an InfoCube |
RSDICVALIOBJ | InfoObjects of the Stock Validity Table for the InfoCube |