Created custom tab at item level in MIGO transaction using MB_MIGO_BADI and my problem is while executing the MIGO transaction after the implementation of BADI the standard EXCISE INVOICE tab is getting overlapped by my custom tab , So kindly help me to solve the problem ..
Code written under method PBO_DETAIL is
method if_ex_mb_migo_badi~pbo_detail.
DATA : gf_class_id TYPE migo_class_id.
DATA :g_no_input TYPE xfeld .
DATA : g_line_id TYPE goitem-global_counter.
DATA :gt_extdata TYPE ty_t_extdata.
DATA : gv_inspect(42).
e_dynnr = '9990'.
e_heading = 'Inspection Details'.
g_line_id = i_line_id.