I need to create an order based on the notification no. This is manually can be done using the Standard T.Code IW34.I am using BAPI_ALM_ORDER_MAINTAIN to create an order based on Notification. I am getting the below message( which is success message)
Order %00000000001 saved with number 40001258
BAPI control was ended
Though order is created it not assigned to notification No. I am using ref key as '%00000000001' and also I tried with '%0000000000140232323' where 40232323 is notification No.
And if I checked in order the notification No is assigned to order as '%00000000001'. And when I check back the Notification, the order is not assigned to Notification No. How to assign the created order no to Notification No.
Code is attached for Ref.
Now the problem is the order is not assigned to notification no. Is there any FM or BAPI to do the same fucntionality..!