I'm following an exercise guide to Create a dynpro in ABAP.
I've set up a service call and I'm at a point of defining the code for a controller method (EXECUTE_BAPI_FLIGHT_GETLIST).
So far it has this pre-generated (the commented out bits are pre-generated with it):
* declarations for context navigation
DATA lo_element TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element.
DATA lt_elements TYPE wdr_context_element_set.
* declarations for parameters
* get all involved child nodes
* get input from context
* the invocation - errors are always fatal !!!
" airline = wd_this->airline
" destination_from = wd_this->destination_from
" destination_to = wd_this->destination_to
" max_rows = wd_this->max_rows
" date_range =
" extension_in =
" flight_list =
" extension_out =
" return =
* store output to context
What the exercise is telling me is that flight data is needed for the specified Airline and for it to assign the resulting table to the context node flight_list.
I'm not exactly sure how to go about this, nor do I know what the code is already doing towards the desired effect. I do know the basics of abap fairly well, but I've never worked with dynpro's before so I don't quite understand it yet but I'm getting there. How do I go about it? Thanks in Advance
NB. I would attach the exercise document however, I have not as I don't know if I can without breaching anything.