I am realizing a Class/Method in SAP BW, where I outsource a start routine in a method. Nevertheless I am in SAP BW I have a pure ABAP issue
See please following definition:
The method gets (changing) an internal table defined here as any table. I use follwing code in order to adress columns in the internal table:
* 1) consignment: get fill-up order of issue order (precedent document) in order to discover
* later corresponding schedule agreement
UNASSIGN <ls_source_fields>.
LOOP AT source_package ASSIGNING <ls_source_fields>.
ASSIGN COMPONENT comp_coord_type OF STRUCTURE <ls_source_fields> TO <ls_coord_type>.
ASSIGN COMPONENT comp_dvgblnum OF STRUCTURE <ls_source_fields> TO <ls_dvgblnum>.
I can see in 'debugging mode' the columns in internal table 'source_package'. Therefore I have the idea, it should be possible to adress all columns at once in that generic table in a more comfortable way as through 'assign component' each field individually.
My first idea was around RTTI oder RTTC ( runtime type identification, runtime type creation ) to use class cl_abap_....
Thus is it possible? Have anyone a good idea?
Thanks a lot