Hello all, i am wondering if it is possible to print part of a string dynamically as bold in a smartform.
I am using the function READ_TEXT to fill a table TD_LINES with the following 2 lines from the invoice header text:
Adjunto a la presente se serviran encontrar la LV_VBELN
que ampara LV_FKIMG procedimientos
I then loop the table and replace LV_VBELN and LV_FKIMG resulting in
Adjunto a la presente se serviran encontrar la F:90000157
que ampara 34 procedimientos
i then do a loop of the table and print TD_LINES-TDLINE
All that works fine, but i need to be able to make:
"F:90000157" and "34" appear as bold while the rest remains the same!
Can some one tell me if that is possible? and how? (I cant split the text in separate variables because its a big series of paragraphs and i cant loose format)
Thanks a lot for all ur help!