I am trying to change delivery priority at item level in shipping tab, but It returns no data changed.
l_item-po_item = t_items-ebelp. APPEND l_item TO t_item. l_itemx-po_item = t_items-ebelp. l_itemx-po_itemx = 'X'. APPEND l_itemx TO t_itemx. l_itemship-po_item = t_items-ebelp. l_itemship-dlv_prio = p_lprio. APPEND l_itemship TO t_itemship. l_itemshipx-po_item = t_items-ebelp. l_itemshipx-dlv_prio = 'X'. l_itemshipx-po_itemx = 'X'. APPEND l_itemshipx TO t_itemshipx. REFRESH t_return. CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_PO_CHANGE' EXPORTING purchaseorder = t_items-ebeln TABLES return = t_return poitem = t_item poitemx = t_itemx poshipping = t_itemship poshippingx = t_itemshipx. READ TABLE t_return INTO l_return WITH KEY type = 'E'. IF sy-subrc = 0. w_status = 'F'. w_msgtx = l_return-message. ELSE. w_status = 'S'. CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT' EXPORTING wait = 'X'. CONCATENATE t_items-ebeln ' Updated successfully.' INTO w_msgtx. ENDIF.
It returns S 06 022 No data changed
Even I am trying to test independently, through SE37, but it returns the same message,
Does I do something for updating shipping tab information through BAPI?