Hi All,
I have a requirement where I need to update the authorization check for the FB02 T code...
task is :
Insert authority check prior to calling Transactions or program
Program is ( a part where i need to update the code):
set parameter if 'BLN' field accrual_belnr
set parameter if 'BUK' field accrual_bukrs
set parameter if 'GJR' field accrual_gjahr
call transaction 'FB02' and skip first screen. (Here I need to update the Auth check)
I have written a Authorization check code like:
ID 'belnr' FIELD accrual_belnr
ID 'gjahr' FIELD accrual_gjahr
ID 'bukrs' FIELD accrual_bukrs.
IF sy-subrc = 0.
MESSAGE 'No authorization' TYPE 'E'.
MESSAGE 'Congrats! You are authorized' TYPE 'S'.
Is my code is correct or do i need to make any changes?? Wht is the existing tcode call?
kindly help with this.