I'm new in QM, so I need some help to implement a exit.
I'm working in Quality Inspection. In particular I have to implement Flexible Inspection Specifications.
I've read that there are a BADI: QPAP_FLEX_PLAN, and with this I haven't any problem, but I must implement the flexible inspection in Results recording. To make this there is a customer enhancement: QEEM0024. It's composed by to function exit:
The documentation says that:
Enhancement QEEM0024 is used to implement an extra pushbutton in the header screen for results
In EXIT_SAPLQEEM_024 you must program coding for the call of the function. In
EXIT_SAPLQEEM_028 you must program the name of the pushbutton.
The function module QST05_FLEX_PLAN_RES_REC can be called directly within
EXIT_SAPLQEEM_024. Since the call of the flexible inspection specifications function is generally to
be dependent on certain parameters, such as the inspection lot origin, we recommend that you code
additional queries (for example, query of I_QALS-HERKUNFT) in the exit before calling the function
module QST05_FLEX_PLAN_RES_REC. Customer-specific requirements can be taken into
But I don't understand how to implement EXIT_SAPLQEEM_028 and consequently the EXIT_SAPLQEEM_024.
Can any one help me?