Sorry if this is redundant but I have been searching in abap2xlsx code exchange project disscussion and issues and other SDN forums but could not find the answer.
I installed SapLink and then download abap2xlsx nugg file in to R3 without any problem. But when I ran the ZEXCEL Demo Programs,
It created the files however when I open the xlsx excel file I got message
'Excel found unreadable content in '10_itabFieldcatalog.xlsx'. Do you want to recover the content of this Work book....
If I click 'Yes' it show a window with message: Excel completed file level validation and repair. Some parts of this workbook may have been repaired or discarded. After I click close, the data file looks OK to me.
If I save, it will ask if I want to replace existing file, I click Yes.
Then I open again and this time it show the data without the warning message. However if I do not save the files, I got same errors any time I open the files. I really want to use this code exchange but I need to resolve this problem first.
Does anyone have this problem and how to fix it?
I am on ERP EHP6 Release 731 and MS Excel 2010.
I tried to post on the abap2xlsx project but could not find any where that I can ask questions.
Thanks for your help.