I have an internal table ready for grid display of a report. But according to the new requirement, it shouldn't create a Spool request as it is affecting the performance of the system (because its a huge file with 3000+ pages).
So, now we want to create a (non-editable) PDF File and store it in an application server.
From the forum, i see that i have only one option, which is to Convert internal table data to OTF Format and then to PDF.
Right now i am using PRINT_TEXT to convert to OTF file and FM CONVERT_OTF for PDF file.
The challenges i am facing right now is..
1. After getting the OTF file from PRINT_TEXT, i couldn't get the correct PDF File. It shows random characters instead..
2. My internal table has 103 columns. So how should i accommodate data from all these columns into a single row on a PDF?
3. I couldn't create a table kind of view/display in PDF
Please help/advice me on the above issue.