Hi Experts,
I am creating MB1B scenario through BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE with GM_CODE '04' and all necessary input like item and serial numbers
Sample Code for that requirement.
ls_item-material = ls_item_input-material."Material
ls_item-stge_loc = sloc_from."From Sloc
ls_item-batch = ls_item_input-batch. "Batch
ls_item-move_type = gc_311.
ls_item-entry_qnt = ls_item_input-entry_qnt. "Quantity
ls_item-entry_uom = ls_item_input-entry_uom. "Unit Of Entry
ls_item-val_type = ls_item_input-split_val_type. "Valuation Type
ls_item-move_plant = plant. "Plant
ls_item-move_mat = ls_item_input-material."Material
ls_item-move_stloc = sloc_to."To Sloc
ls_item-move_batch = ls_item_input-batch. "Batch
***Serial Number
IF ls_item_input-serialnumber IS NOT INITIAL.
lv_count = lv_count + 1.
ls_serial-matdoc_itm = lv_count.
ls_serial-serialno = ls_item_input-serialnumber.
APPEND : ls_serial TO lt_serial.
APPEND ls_item TO lt_item.
while executing the bapi getting error : "Maintain serial numbers for total quantity"
I have looked into some of the forums but still i am getting same issue.
Note : From Tcode i am able to create material document.