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doubt on customer exit variable for bex ?


Hi ABAP'ers,


I have a doubt if we can use the customer exit variable for user input selection as well as for restricting the query ? For example zvar1 is a user input selection variable which will fetch the fiscal year, processing by customer exit, input ready. OK ? I need to get the values for FY +5 based on user input.


Now can't we use the same variable for calculation as well for the user input selection , I know we can do it through offset. Just trying to understand.


when 'zvar1'  ( customer exit variable, user input, mandatory selection)


IF i_step EQ 2.


LOOP AT i_t_var_range INTO loc_var_range WHERE vnam = 'Zvar1`'.

  l_s_range-low = zvar1+5.

l_s_range-opt = 'EQ'.

l_s_range-sign = 'I'.

APPEND l_s_range TO e_t_range.








  if the user enter's fy=2013 in zvar1. ,will loc_var_range-LOW = 2013, right ?


cant we reassign l_s_range-low = zvar1+5 ? Is it wrong.


and in the report selection, we can restrict the amount with zvar1 , which will have zvar1 + 5 = 2013 +5 = 2018.


Sorry for my silly questions, I dont know ABAP. Please advise. I dont want links of the user exit doc's. Please explain.




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