IHi ,
In BD64, Under MATMAS Data filtration is set on Sales Org and Distribution Channel. When I am sending material from BD10 , I need to get these values ( Sale Org / Distribu Channel ). B'cos on the basis of these values I need to fetch PLANT from MVKE table by passing SOrg and Dchl .
I am reading Segment value in exit EXIT_SAPLMV01_002, but , these values are present at MVKE Segment but I need those values at MARC Segment and MVKE Segment trigger at last where MARC segment trigger initially , So I am not able capture values in Segment also.
On the basis on MARC-MATERIAL & MVKE-PLANT , I need to fetch TRLT (Lead Time) from MARC.
How to retrieve Sale Org/ Dch either from Filtration Set at BD64 or from MVKE Segment that is triggering later then MARC Segemnt??