Hi *,
I have a requirement to extract a TAR file to a particular folder of SAP Application Server (unix).
I have tried with CALL system command.:
CONCATENATE 'cd' wpv_dir_target ';'
'tar xvf' wpv_file
INTO wlv_cmd_unix SEPARATED BY space.
ID 'TAB' FIELD wlt_system_list-*sys*.
But it does not work.
I have also crated a Command in SM69 called Z_TAR. I use that with SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE
I use it like this : z_tar -xvf path+file_name -C destination_directory_path
This gives me error.
If I try like this, z_tar -xvf path+file_name, then It gives the list of files of TAR files but I could not figure out where it extracts the files.
Please help me.
Chandler Bing