Hi all,
Is there a way in ABAP to solve below problem?
I have a class CL with method METH which inside of itself CREATES an internal table.
Table structure and its data depends of various factors and its structure is always unexpected.
Class definition:
* ...
iv_filepath type string
changing et_table type ref to data.
Class implementation:
method METH.
* ... internal table itab already has a structure and data based on user choose
field-symbols: <fsym> type any.
assign itab to <fsym>.
et_table= <fsym>.
I need to call METH and get this table, eg.:
program ZPROG.
data fname type string.
field-symbols: <fs_tab> type any table.
CL=>METH( importing et_table = <fs_tab> )
<fs_tab> = CL=>METH( ).
or so on.
But <fs_tab> is not assigned (and I get error) but I cannot assign <fs> not knowing table structure first (like I wrote above, structure is not known at design-time).
I'm very new in ABAP. Usually I'm coding in C#, which easly allows to return, assign to variable and iterate on rows and columns of any table in memory.