We have a requirement to copy order notifications into the activities tab of the corresponding notification created. We are using the Exit EXIT_SAPLCOBT_001 to achieve this.
we have implemented FM IQS4_ADD_DATA_NOTIFICATION to update the activities tab in the notification using the VIQMMA structure.
This solution works fine when we create the Order in foreground. But when orders are created by scheduling maintenace plans in the background,the operations are incorrectly mapped to the respective activies in the notification.
For example : Maintenance Plan A has 2 items A1 and A2. When this plan A is scheduled to Run in background it generates 2 orders O1 an d O2 and 2 notifications N1 and N2. Our requirement is that the operation details related to O1 should be mapped to the activities tab of N1. And same with O2 and N2.
Currently this mapping is incorrect and all operations of O1 and O2 are getting mapped to a single notification.
Request you all to help us out in this regard.