In our current system if we cancel a Sales order item ( ZXXX item category) ; all the pricing conditons are inactive ; meaning value is set to
KINAK = "W".
I am not able to figure out if this is done -> Via configuration or -> via a user exit.
I tried searching many sales order user exits and couldn't find anything.
if VBAP-ABGRU has some value (rejection code); then upon saving sales order the pricing condition has KOMV-KINAK = "W" .
Below are the possible inactive conditions.
Appreciate if someone has done anything similar.
A Condition exclusion item
K Inactive due to calculation basis/shipping material type
L Condition exclusion header or inactive at header level
M Inactive due to manual entry
T Inactive at header level
W The document item is statistical
X Inactive via formulae of incorrect
Y Inactive because of subsequent price
More detials on Z item category config:
Item category ZXXX
Item Type
Completion Rule
Special Stock
Billing Relevance I
Billing Plan Type 01
Billing Block
Pricing X
Statistical value Y
Revenue Recognition
Delimit. Start Date
Incompletion Proced. Z1 Varian Standard Item Screen Seq.Grp N
PartnerDetermProced. N Standard item
TextDetermProcedure 80 Varian Sales Item Status Profile
Item Cat.Stats.Group 1 Order, Debit Memo
Config. Strategy
Mat. Variant Action
ATP material variant
Structure scope Create Delivery Group
Value contract matl