Hi Experts,
Thanks for your valuable post !
I've one requirement and expecting the solution.
Requirement: How to append lines of a dynamic internal table to another dynamic internal table of same type.
Scenario: I've one Internal table ITAB1 having 100 records which is assigned to dynamic internal table <ITAB1>(so ITAB1 also have 100 records).
I want to get the 20 records from the dynamic internal table <ITAB1> to a second dynamic internal table <ITAB2> which is of same type as <ITAB1>.
I'm using the code : APPEND LINES OF <ITAB1> FROM 1 TO 20 TO <ITAB2>.
But values are not getting inserted to <ITAB2>.
Code is below for your understanding what i'm doing: -
data : w_tabname TYPE w_tabname,
w_dref TYPE REF TO data,
w_grid TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid.
PARAMETERS: p_record type i.
PARAMETERS : p_table(50) TYPE C. "Taking Standard table from Selection Screen say "MARA"
w_tabname = p_table. " Getting the table name from Selection screen
CREATE DATA w_dref TYPE TABLE OF (w_tabname).
ASSIGN w_dref->* TO <ITAB1>.
ASSIGN w_dref->* TO <ITAB2>.
* Populating Dynamic internal table
SELECT * FROM (w_tabname) UP TO 20 ROWS INTO TABLE <ITAB1>. "Values are comming in <ITAB1> without any problem
APPEND LINES OF <ITAB1> FROM 1 TO 20 TO <ITAB2>. "This code is not getting executed successfully
Please help me with your valuable tips...
!!!! <do not post personal info>
Thanks in Advance!
Message was edited by: Suhas Saha