hello all,
i have just started learning concept of SAP Change Documents.
I got almost everything of it (i guess), except the last and final step.
i have read many times, as there are many WIKI available and doc's also.
But none of them has exactly shown and explained the last step(most of them has just copied documentation from sap help site).
What i am taking about:
After update Prog has been generated, all 4 include and FM is generated.
Where and WHY exactly there is need to write abap code and define these includes in that prog.
Please guide me, if i create a new prog in SE38, and create a entry in DB table, how the hell this newly created prog came o know
that the new entry has been created in that DB table and i have to execute myself in order to log the changes.
I am posting screen-shot of the include and FM generated and please guide me ahead.
more over, i have tried to display this generated FM in SE37, but it says that the FM does not exist. WHY?