I have a huge dynamic table with a few columns and need to fill another dynamic table with some of the columns, that are also existing in the other one. I first know at runtime, which fields the smaller table contains.
Until now, I did it that way:
LOOP AT <it_tab_structure> ASSIGNING <wa_tab_structure>.
LOOP AT lt_comp_full INTO ls_comp_full.
ASSIGN COMPONENT ls_comp_full-name OF STRUCTURE <structure> TO <column>.
ASSIGN COMPONENT ls_comp_full-name OF STRUCTURE <wa_tab_structure> TO <value>.
<column> = <value>.
APPEND <structure> TO <table>.
lt_comp_full contains the columns of the second table, that have to be filled.
This is taking a very long time, as there can be a lot of columns in the source table and the source table contains at least 100000 records.
Is there therefore any way to fill the other table faster?
Thank you & best regards,