Hi Experts,
I have created one custom table with 5 fields
Field1 = Approval no ( Key Field and Editable )-->Auto Populated
Field 2 = Vesrion No ( Non Key filed and Output Only)
Filed 3= description( Editable Filed)
Filed 4 = Created by(Auto poplated)
Filed 5 = Created_date(Autopopulate).
I have Create TMG for the table and am able to populate field4 field5 using create_entries event01.
My table having 3 records let us assume.
Field1 field2 field3 field4 field5
10001 01 test xxxx 12/09/14
10001 02 test xxxx 12/09/14
When i try to create same entry 10001 how to maintain vesrion(Field2) number(Auto Populated). ?
I am trying to create using before save event how to compare TOTAL and EXTRACT tables?
Please find the code which I wrote its not working...
Please correct the below code.
LOOP AT total.
wa_data1 = <vim_total_struc>.
lv_index1 = sy-tabix.
READ TABLE extract with KEY total.
IF sy-subrc eq 0.
lv_index2 = sy-tabix.
wa_data2 = <vim_extract_struc>.
if wa_data1-version is INITIAL.
wa_data1-version = 1.
wa_data1-version = wa_data1-version + 1.
wa_data2-version = wa_data1-version.
<vim_extract_struc> = wa_data2.
<vim_total_struc> = wa_data1.
MODIFY extract INDEX lv_index2.
MODIFY total index lv_index1.