Hi experts,
I am coding a BW User Exit for a extractor in the framework of function module EXIT_SAPLRSAP_001, include ZXRSAU01.
My code is retriveing the values that i need. But i am stuck with one thing.
In the context of an if, i have to append a new line.
Here my complete code:
TABLES: prps, catsdb. CASE i_datasource. WHEN 'TEST_EXTRACTOR'. DATA: s_data_cats TYPE zoxd780009, it_data TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF zoxd780009, wa_hours TYPE catshours, it_prps TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF prps INITIAL SIZE 0, wa_prps TYPE prps, it_catsdb TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF catsdb INITIAL SIZE 0, wa_catsdb TYPE catsdb, wa_catsdb2 TYPE catsdb. REFRESH it_data. it_data[] = c_t_data[]. SELECT * FROM prps INTO table it_prps FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_data WHERE pspnr = it_data-rproj. SELECT * FROM catsdb INTO table it_catsdb FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_data WHERE counter = it_data-refcounter. LOOP AT c_t_data INTO s_data_cats. * Get WBS Element POSID. READ TABLE it_prps into wa_prps with key pspnr = s_data_cats-rproj BINARY SEARCH.. if sy-subrc = 0. s_data_cats-posid = wa_prps-posid. IF s_data_cats-refcounter IS NOT INITIAL. READ TABLE it_catsdb INTO wa_catsdb WITH KEY counter = s_data_cats-refcounter BINARY SEARCH.. IF SY-SUBRC = 0. wa_hours = wa_catsdb-catshours. if s_data_cats-RPROJ eq wa_catsdb-RPROJ. s_data_cats-catshours = s_data_cats-catshours - wa_hours. endif. ****************************************************** else. s_data_cats-catshours = s_data_cats-catshours. *****and append new line************************* ENDIF. ENDIF. endif. MODIFY c_t_data FROM s_data_cats . CLEAR s_data_cats. ENDLOOP. ENDCASE.
My issue is on that part, *********and append new line**********************
What i need to do, is to create and add a supplementary by changing the content of some fields, the only way that i know to perform it is a loop and read table like following:
LOOP AT itab1 INTO struc1.
READ TABLE itab1 INTO struc2 WHERE ref_counter = struc1-counter.
struc3-project = struc2-project.
struc3-hours = struc1-hours.
APPEND struc3 TO itab2.
But a loop under another loop, that's too much and not good for extraction performance.
How can i bypass this issue?